
We offer two different service styles, contemporary and traditional.

Sunday Worship Schedule

9:00 AM / Contemporary
11:00 AM / Traditional
(Be sure to check the calendar or Service Updates section of Home Page for schedule changes. On special occasions we have one 10 AM service.)

9:00 AM: An informal contemporary service with a live praise band. Music is contemporary Christian soft rock.

11:00 AM: A formal traditional service where the Lutheran liturgy is used.

In both services you will experience communion, prayer and teaching from God’s Word. Regardless of which service you attend however, please feel most comfortable.

Sunday School (children’s and adults), Discipleship Training, Take Away all at 10:05 a.m. – 10:55 a.m.

The nursery has re-opened!
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder
them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
(Matthew 19:14 NIV) We know children can feel the Spirit and
they, with their expressions of joy and delight, are always
welcome in worship. For your convenience, if needed, an usher
can direct you to diaper changing tables located in the women’s
restroom (main hallway) as well as in the unisex restroom (back
hallway) near the Sunday school area. In addition, we have a
well-staffed nursery available during worship and Sunday school
for infants to 4 year old children. An usher can direct you to the
nursery, which is located behind the sanctuary at the end of the
hall. We ask that you sign-in your child, giving us your cell phone
number and any special instructions (including who, beside
yourself, is authorized to pick-up your child). Welcome to Trinity,
little ones, God loves you and so do we!